February 09, 2023

Hello Wino Gang,

Please. Let’s all get together to give Tasha the flowers she deserves. Let’s get her a big beautiful bouquet to fill the room. This is a Bonus for anyone whose not able to attend. Let the flowers do the talking. Tasha deserves her flowers, let’s make this event and birthday extravaganza phenomenal. We can all contribute with a contribution cut off date then coordinate the delivery and ask someone in her camp to ensure the flowers get placed at the venue. We can also send a card sending her love and posi wine vibes. Any thoughts or suggestions. Let’s get things moving winos. Again, I love this community so much. I look forward to its growth and eventually meeting all of you. I feel like you are all my family, my sisters and bros too if any are in here. anyways. I love you all. Stay blessed. See you all tomorrow for Phuckery Friday 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷