November 09, 2023

I thought this was always a free space where we could speak our minds?
Has this become a space where we can only say good things about videos and about guest on the videos because we may disagree with the things that they say or how they say them?

I’ve never found myself being filtered from YouTube to this app for having an adverse take on topics.

If we don’t agree with verbal aggression towards a BW from a BT then my comments are being removed. I do have a problem with that especially because this app is not free and neither is it free to support these live shows which I actually don’t see the fan base of SS or TS paying to attend.

If the move is now to gain that audience that doesn’t want anyone speaking against them or having a difference of opinion please by all means let me know
Again as a Black Queer Woman I have no issue with the Trans Community but I do have an issue with bullying women who arrived here with an XX chromosome arrangement, just because they exist and have a stans that may not be in alignment with theirs.