Sharde Jackson

Replied on Carbon Nation

Jul 16 at 09:35 PM

We'll send her some fake oysyers like they used to have in school for home economics class for slow kids. Lmaooo. Remember the plastic food. Lmaooo

Replied on Carbon Nation

Jul 14 at 08:54 AM

When dangit! Lmao. We'll send you some oysters if you drop 3. Lol
I'm 5'11. A booth at a restaurant is perfect for tall people. Lmao but sometimes the table be too close to the table. Lmao

Replied on Carbon nation

Jul 07 at 08:35 PM

Girl Tasha don't care. Lol
Pwess pwess pwess pwess pwess

Jun 18 at 11:05 PM

They all speak like they are a bit uneducated. They have a hard time transferring their thoughts into words. I feel sorry for them. They are extremely beautiful though

Jun 17 at 08:11 PM

His eyes are so dark it's scary

Jun 17 at 09:02 AM

It was definitely his physical height. Orlando is out his mind

Jun 17 at 09:01 AM

Is anyone else seeing what I'm seeing?! He is.not making sense! He rambles about Nothing. This was hard to watch.