Briauna Michel

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Jun 10 at 05:11 PM

What movie is this?


May 19 at 09:49 PM

Hey, she said they’re trying for next week

May 19 at 07:21 AM

Nah Curtis is just comfortable with his sexuality so the gays don’t bother him… Moolah was way TOO offended

May 18 at 01:44 PM

Funny asl lol


May 18 at 11:20 AM

Ok I just needed something honey cause I’m so intrigued lol u can’t just drop it on me like that and then don’t drop it on me lmao 🤣 no hate girl Im just over ready lol


May 18 at 06:46 AM

YO… are you dropping it or not? That’s what we want.. you can at least communicate more because we pay more than we pay Zeus for this wine lol someone could at least speak about it tell us u can’t or something


May 18 at 06:42 AM

Starting to feel like I’m paying for nothing she not going live she not posting abt it or nothing … but posting everything else

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May 17 at 05:28 PM

Still going live or nah?

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May 17 at 02:52 PM

So you not fired? Why that person post that community post and y’all let it stay up? Lol

Replied on Live

May 16 at 04:32 PM

Thanks Tasha!