Inga Winters

Texas City, TX, United States

No Granny Jill stepped in before his mammie died.
Yes. Secret service drives him to the block for the rock. The stand there while he does the helicopter with his peen with the 304s Tasha
You just helped me put the blizzards done Tasha. Bless you.
Why the hell you watching CNN? You gots tobe more careful.


Oct 13 at 01:18 PM

What is the wine, on Bobby's show having the cast do continued std testing while filming?

Was blueface really smoking crack?


Oct 13 at 01:02 PM

This ain't a game. People!!! Alex Jones $965 million.

Sandy Hook was a false flag!

The system is rigged. Tasha keep fighting!!!

Did you buy ya driver a sweet bread?
Did you bring back some of the crumpets?