Inga Winters

Texas City, TX, United States

General hospital girrrl you ain't neva lied
With pink face panties on. Snooze fest. Speak on it Tasha. It's an old stale cookie.
Hell Cardi b talking inflation, why she sue if she know folks ain't got it.
You better work Tasha. Thanks for given us global wine.
Say what charlamain was a concubine
I stopped watching when candi gave her the fake peen.
Sherry show sucked balls sacks. Why is her mouth open all the time...and you open with fake dick. So late, tired and old.

Commented on PnB Rock

Sep 16 at 12:11 AM

Cali is a beautiful place I would not step foot in.

Sep 16 at 12:11 AM

Glad you made it safe. What is the fashion like your print is pretty. Are you in a compound, where your people have gardens and animals? What is the wine like over there? What are you drinking on? Are there white people there? Or is it like playing where whitey instead of Waldo? What is the food like? At night do you hear wild animals or is it city sounds? Living it through you, so spill all the wine on your trip to the mother land. Have a blessed safe trip. JESUS LOVE YOU❤