Inga Winters

Texas City, TX, United States

Jun 28 at 06:52 PM

Bad home lives. Parents were on drugs in the system, other family members taking care of them. That is what I heard. And what is with the hand gestures and cat calling. Man they made weird.

Jun 28 at 06:50 PM

They keep contradicting their life stories. Or lie as they go. It's worried.
Over 100 chicken factors have burned down.
I know now because of yall.
We need all the tom foolery Mr. Kebe.
G=rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl it's the cap for me.
Toddler peen 💀
Monkey Meet 💀

Jun 07 at 01:52 AM

Talk about the Biden Love baby...and why granddaddy Joe and granny Jill not claiming they grandbaby.