
Feb 04 at 05:09 AM

Making all these moves and businesses with Melody. But she the bad guy. What business do you have with the other one. It’s obvious your business is slowed down without her

Feb 04 at 04:59 AM

Let’s see what happens when the mistress don’t get her way. And he cheating on her too


Feb 04 at 04:58 AM

He always down playing her. Can’t even speak nothing positive about her. But lifts his mistress up every chance he get. Why would he have his kids around her knowing she don’t like his wife

Feb 04 at 04:56 AM

Right straight disrespectful

Feb 04 at 04:55 AM

How would she know when police put up the warrant. I’m sure they somehow notified him

I can’t wait to hear the other girl side Nicki. I bet it is way better. Than this bird brain

Tasha too much. The way she wanted to get her off the phone. Lol


Right she’s thirsty. Wants to be known. Wants to be like Chris

Miss Lue 💋 still but he fucks with her. Way more this airhead

Right. But he tell her everything take care of. She all Cap