
That’s her daughter not her spouse
First off all this high value stuff is making me sick. My mom had theee children when she married my stepfather. They went off to have 3 more children. And he never said those things. Like I’m taking care of your kids. And they were married for 23 yrs until my Mom passed.
Right most men that abuse women mentally or physically don’t have a record. He blames everything on women. Thinks his way is the only was. You can tell by his wives
Right Tasha should have checked him on certain stuff
She was in front his dreams, he was in front of her dreams too. Then to say the only way they can get back together if she goes to therapy and follow her husband. Like what about him. Like that’s a good type of relationship.
First off I’m tired of hearing that he was there for her children. If you marry someone you take everything that comes with them. If not don’t marry her move on find someone else. Like it’s making me sick that he’s acting like it’s a big deal. Like that’s what a man does. When they got married those children became his stepchildren. Like these men be acting like they doing the most. Because when women get with men that have kids. They watch them feed take care of them accept them and no one is saying that the man is a low valued man because he has kids. Look at Puffy
Tasha I love the interview but this man is a fucking asshole. I would never want to date him
Right but he pressured her to do that. Her first instanced was to be a nurse because that’s what she always wanted to do. Both people can’t be in the spot light
Everything not about money. Everyone is not for online social media. That’s not her personality. Why wouldn’t he want his wife to follow her dreams
Maybe if he let he be a nurse none of this would have happened