
The same way they stopping laws for women

Exactly they make all the rules and terms and the world is supposed to follow it. And if we don’t then it’s a problem. We didn’t make up the rules and terms for them. So why does everyone else have to abide by they’re terms and conditions ?

Forget std’s and HIV. What about she needs a hysterectomy when she gets in her late 40’s because of high numbers of sexual partners and had something hidden in her blood for years. She will regret it. HIV Stds lay dormant for years. Let’s think ladies. And to claim to be a sexologist lol


There is no way she tracking all her partners sexual activities. lol so sad


Nikki Regardless of married or not. It’s really not about diseases. It’s really about when you hit pass 45 and you need a hysterectomy because high numbers of sexual partners caused a long form of some hiddened. She will regret it. I know a lot of women how are dealing with that

But this is a discussion. Both sides should be aloud to speak they’re side. And let’s face it this is a real issue with health. Not her lifestyle. It’s not about std’s it about when you hit your 40’sband 50’s.

It’s not about the lifestyle Tasha K is expressing herself just as well as the lady guess. And let’s be clear forget the sti and std. A lot of women get to there 40’s & 50’s have a lot of problems with there parts down there. Most cases leading to hysterectomy


Lovey Williams great idea. But it’s not nice to tell Tasha K what she should do and how to use her platform. Don’t you think she knows what to do and how. And telling her how to use her platform. What her team should do. I’m sure she has this covered