Look yall, when you make a bias or stereotyping statement please understand youre on a public platform subject to other oppinions that are equally as triggering to a good debate. Me personally, I do background checks on every man because if we proceed they are in my home and around my children. If they have a criminal history, I just see it as a transparent way to look at the facts unbiased ( fuck what he say ). If they don't, I proceed with the same caution until I understand their character because lacking criminal history doesn't mean you don't have criminal behavior. Protect yourself and your kids at all times..we agree ? Great !! Lol.

Tawana G ok that's fine, it's your life. And the only reason I comment is because of stereotypical b.s. and how it carries falsehoods , stigmas, and traumatizes black people more than at other group. This obviously runs very deep for you. But either way, don't misunderstand my statement, just my opinion but, I hope your standard applies to ALL people, especially any man courting for a relationship( if that's your preference) that will be around your daughter because pedophilia doesn't always have a prison sentence or public record. That is all, to each it's own. Tutalu!!

So, Tawana G I understand it can be hard to trust some men in prison, and even theorize about their sex life. However, please draw the line at that sista, because the other part is literally stating every man in prison or former past in prison is a pedophile. Gay or bisexuality isn't the same as pedophilia. Tasha is wrong to for eluding to it in my opinion unless this man had a prior abusive or pedophilic history. You can say more trust needs to be built but truly nor more than any other relationship.

Right. I thought the same thing. Like, damn , how sad it is to watch someone be given your shine like that.


May 07 at 04:11 AM

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Tasha , closing her legs


Commented on Day 1

Apr 17 at 08:32 PM

What a welcoming 😂😂😂 but he's unexpected apparently 🤷🏾‍♀️