Lashonda Andrews

As a mother of an autistic child, he can get it too. In my house, no one is above getting joked about. He also makes jokes about my other kids and we all laugh. Sorry that you feel that way but in my home, we learn to laugh and love.


So why do you think she still deals with her brother?

Why do you think she lied about her mom and the knife?

If times are so hard for her, why don't she go to her mom?

I'm still confused about her saying she was confused about him being uncircumcised.

I'm not victim shaming her, I'm just confused about her story. Why was she recording the grandmother?

I'm a victim myself and normally something like this would trigger me but nothing she said sat right with me. I also have someone very close to me that made these types of accusations and then admitted she lied because she was mad with the man she was accusing. She also said she continued the lie because of all of the attention she was receiving. I now label this person a "professional victim".

Why do you think she constantly went back to her "abuser"?

Clarence I believe you wholeheartedly. People are confused because you are still "protecting" YOUR child. I understand your mindset.

Ladies, she said her son is in Africa for school. He's there to learn other languages. Tasha did the same thing with her daughter for a few years when she was a little girl, now the daughter is well educated and can speak multiple languages. I sent my kids to stay with their Hispanic side of our family for a year when they were young so they can learn Spanish. I wanted them to learn in a "family" setting, not school setting. They were also able to embrace that side of their culture as well. It's the same thing as studying abroad, just at a younger age when they are able to pick up other languages quicker.

I don't have any regrets for allowing my kids to learn their culture and language with their family. It's like going to spend the summer at grandma's house and getting to know your cousins that you hardly see.

Sorry if my response offended anyone, I just thought I would respond because I walked in Tasha's shoes before.
