Candy Rice


Feb 04 at 01:04 PM

At a work meeting today and they ordered one of my foods.... PIZZA!!! I stood strong and stuck to my salad... Ouuuuuuweeeeeeeee discipline frfr. Day 3 if round 2


Feb 03 at 10:37 AM

Thank you 💓💓💓💓

Feb 03 at 10:36 AM

You go girl❤️❤️❤️❤️ I just started round 2 yesterday. We got this.

Commented on Day 3

Feb 03 at 08:05 AM

Scroll down feed. There's a lot of great cooking ideas. Also make sure you're getting at least 30 minutes of cardio in each day. Hope this helps.

Commented on Meal Ideas

Feb 02 at 06:39 PM

One of the Wino's sent me a cookbook, I'll send it to you if you like.

Feb 02 at 05:05 PM

Yes indeed and thank you

Replied on Grateful

Feb 02 at 05:04 PM


Replied on Grateful

Feb 02 at 05:04 PM



Feb 02 at 01:07 PM

Hey Tasha, I just want to thank you for being way more than what people assume you are. Keep being real and 💯. Love you 💞



Feb 02 at 01:06 PM

I started this journey weighing in at 224. Ended it weighing 207. Got on the scale today weighing in at 202. My mind, body, spirit, and soul is ready for round two. LET'S GO!!!