
I really enjoy Brandi’s interviews especially this one!
Truer words hunny….too stressful beefing when you’re connected for life.
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Messy May be entertaining for a bit but it can also be draining on the spirit. Some of the interviews are cringey, laced with bitterness, foolishness but nothing to show the person has learned and grown. She presents solid in her foundation. Poised, self assured, confident, grounded. You’re not going to get drama from that. There will be more interviews that will be messy don’t worry folks but this was a real life experience. I thoroughly enjoyed and hope to see more interviews like this Tasha. Thank you!
(((Hugs))) you will get through this. You can be strong and weak when you need to be. Telling your story is the most bravery I have seen and I’m proud of you. You’re beautiful, smart and worthy of Justice and you will have it. GOD said vengeance is mine please pray that GOD brings every filthy demon to justice. ❤️❤️
Tasha regarding the weight story, you are dead on about the propaganda driving the info in this video

Jan 08 at 11:35 AM

Beautiful couple.

Dec 26 at 09:01 PM

Happy Belated Birthday Peaches!🎈🎈🎂🎉

Oct 03 at 08:23 AM

Beautiful home! Thank you for sharing your life with us. May GOD continue to bless you and your family.