
Dec 22 at 05:09 PM

💯 Absolutely correct Sissy! Real talk!


Memphitz giving down low vibes...undercurrent of feminine energy. He comes off fake AF 😒. Don't trust him @ all.

Actually Black men have a higher compliance rate of paying court ordered child support of any race of Fathers. 👏👏👏 Social media loves to portray all black men as deadbeats. Lies!!!

My gay adult son and niece don't sypport the transgender or LBGQT agendas. They believe it's designed to stop black procreation and further feminize black men. My gay black son is a proud masculine gay man. He said heterosexuals don't announce their sexual orientation when they walk into a room, so why should he announce his private business
Does Brian McKnight 🤔 not understand that black folks, specifically black woman will never fu** with him again??? Not going to stream his music or buy his concert tickets. I never liked the nicca music anyway. Simp a** nicca.
Thank you Madame Kebe for opening your platform to the Honorable Judge Joe Brown. This is further evidence of your heart for the black community.
Lol! Madame Kebe schooling these young'uns 😅😅😅😅 on S-O-C-I-A-L Media etiquette.
Hello Madame Kebe, good to see you're on the road to recovery and feeling better. Don't overdo it...take it easy. Love the show!!