Aggie 💫

Jan 21 at 09:52 PM

Awwww L❤️VE you all. This has truly been a blessing in my life. I was drinking wine🍷every weekend and smoking weed every day and wanted to stop smoking and cut down the wine to one or two weekends out of the month, but I couldn't seem to do it. This Detox has helped me do it and realize that I can. Thank you, Tasha and wino Gang, ❤️🙏🏽

Commented on Breaking the fast!

Jan 21 at 09:21 PM

I L❤️VE your cup

Jan 21 at 09:13 PM

You did a great job, I thought you cheated on us😆

Commented on Water during fasting?

Jan 21 at 09:08 PM

Yes, drink water. Hot green tea, black or hibiscus tea plane.

Commented on Help

Jan 21 at 09:04 PM

Hey, yes you are right, and you eat the same fruits and vegetables. If you still need it I can email you the Detox planner.

Commented on So gross

Jan 18 at 09:15 PM


Jan 18 at 12:48 PM

Thank you 😘

Commented on Day two!

Jan 18 at 12:44 PM

Oh wow glad I'm staying strong and not smoking 🍃because that would add to breath issues

Jan 18 at 12:36 PM

I picked up some lentils and sweet potatoes today my mom makes a really good soup with that.

Commented on I'm sick!!!

Jan 18 at 12:20 PM

Awww, feel better. Drink green tea.