Sipping Fiji instead of wine


Jun 08 at 06:22 PM

So everyone was waiting for Pras to leave the Roots Picnic stage in handcuffs. This has bought to light now many people watch Tasha K because no one has been talking about him embezzling money aside from Tasha K. Nonetheless he was up on the stage with Lauryn Hill last weekend.

Jun 08 at 12:48 PM

Where is the link?


May 21 at 07:35 PM

I know that Tasha said the show was going to be in Miami this fall Chelsea or someone please reach out to me. My sister is a professor down there in Miami and she can hook us up with historical tours behind the scenes of the Black History in Miami. Some of the tours that she hooks up involves access into underground Black history in Miami and are very classy. She also knows all of the Black off the path restaurants that have amazing food from various cultures. She hooks it up!


Tasha you have to give Patreon folks the opportunity to get our tickets first. I want my VIP tickets and Iā€™m coming dressed up as Teddy! Miami is an easy yes.

Seriously! This is so sickening! He wants to make money off Black women so bad! I think Tasha should start stealing his interviewees from him that are females just because.


Commented on Omg!

May 13 at 09:47 PM

I donā€™t remember Kyrie even being covered

May 13 at 08:53 PM

Straight Flexing he has attempted to exploit Black women. Many of us donā€™t care that she has on a wig we want to see what Black women is sleeping with this federal agent cultural colonizer and exploiter of Black folks and thatā€™s why we are here. If we want to run her it ainā€™t got nothing to do with her looks. I donā€™t know how she sleeps at night with a man who does what he does. That is all.

I expect treason from Black men I do not expect such things from Black women.

She truly is sleeping with a blatant enemy. This ainā€™t got nothing to do with no wig or a poor choice in eyeshadow.


May 13 at 07:43 PM

I donā€™t know what Vlads obsession is with you because I noticed he interviewed that attorney that used to be all in the comments section flattering you at one point. Vlad definitely dislikes Black males yet and still they continue to give him free endless content which is a major L on their part for doing so. He seems determined to try to use Black women too for content however the majority of Black women are not willing to play with him including Monique and the little Rapper girl Queen Von. Most Black women tend to refuse to interview with him. I believe he may silently be jealous of you or you truly struck a nerve by calling him what he definitely appears to be ā€œon federal payrollā€. I donā€™t think you should cape for the gullible fools that continue to give him free content by incriminating themselves but I do believe you should continue to sock it to him for mentioning your name frequently. Heā€™s a leech but Black men enable him and thatā€™s no oneā€™s fault but their own


May 13 at 11:33 AM

Anyone else only came here to see what she looked like?! He makes sure she canā€™t be found on the internet!!!
