Sipping Fiji instead of wine

Bria girl bye. I don’t have baby daddies and I don’t date baby daddies lol I see a community full of people that can’t move on into healthy relationships with someone else, because they have poor boundaries with people from the past. I’m not one of them lol.
Yoshi that part she’s beautiful and loyal which he has stated and she’s hard working. I hope she move on
I hope she moved on and doesn’t turn out to be one of those women that continue to have poor boundaries with her ex baby daddy that wants to assert that he can still come back and forth as he pleases.
This man lost endorsements because he became least favorable. His true personality surfaced. His personality has nothing to do with Dannie and more to do with the man he’s decided to be. That woman didn’t fall in love she got d******matized and he’s not fertile he doesn’t wear condoms
This was the interview I was waiting for
She so disrespectful 😂😂😂😂😩 She will be getting haunted this evening 😂😂😂

Mar 22 at 09:47 PM

People are real hurt but when Cardi went on her crying campaign I had people stop talking to me because I continued watching her content. People could not critically think. These are celebrities and Tasha is also one. I still observed this thing from start to stop and she was salty that Tasha put it out there that her husband boyfriend turned fiancé turned husband was a dog in constant heat.

Mar 22 at 11:00 AM

lol I did notice she’s rather silent…. She loves to stir the pot and hide 🙈

Mar 22 at 07:51 AM

Not long I’ve posted this same thing many moons ago and have stood by it being the reason why that girl sued this woman and wouldn’t drop the lawsuit. If you pay attention to the case DJ Akademiks explained that Cardi basically bullied and threatened her way into having him take his content about Offset cheating down. That’s when he started to joke about it saying Offset isn’t a cheater and Black men don’t cheat.