Blaque Pearlz & Chocolate Diamondz

I am a VERY patient person, but DAMN!! I wish they would of gave her an outline to keep EVERYTHING in sync!! This girl is getting on my nerves!! I NEED to speak faster, enough context, I need the story to FLOW. And HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DAD'S BUTT LOOKS LIKE 🤷🏽‍♀️?
Her brother, that she calls her aunt, owned the mohotel at Pensburgery & Toolip called "9875free"....all jokes aside. If this really happened she needs to practice on her storytelling. Because it does sound like a lie. I knew a little girl (white wine) and her mother allowed her to move in with a 25-30 something old man when she was 12 yrs old. It's not TOO FARFETCHED. It happens in out community more than it's said
If her story is true, I commend her. My heart goes out to her & I take my hat off to you as well. That's a HELLUVA story....I hope this young lady is telling the majority of the truth? If not she has a HELLUVA ride coming towards her.
PAUSE!! When she said church heels, why did I AUTOMATICALLY thought of the grandma church heels 🤣🤣!! I'm sorry I know this is serious. But had to say it
I'm SO CONFUSED? If it was anal, wouldn't they see something when they examined her vagina?
I don't know why y'all are still trying to drag Marques Houston? What he said is true. We have a WHOLE different outlook when we are on our 20's. Men & women will HAVE baggage. She's no longer a runaway, she's a grown ass woman

Apr 19 at 07:47 PM

I figured she meant open communication, but I don't know if that's worse? She's loves his stankin ass panties to the moon & back. She's not down to share her love w/anyone else. He obviously enjoys a variety. I think she just learned to accept it because either way it was going to continue


Apr 19 at 07:41 PM

Is it just me or is there no way you can delete or edit your comments?

Is this ANOTHER one? Or like a part 2