Blaque Pearlz & Chocolate Diamondz

That Apollo situation, I think the female is just maybe silly. She was on "Say Yes to the Dress" and he still had a GANG of time left.
Transference just from other females, are we not worried about what's being transferred from men as well?

Jan 18 at 12:50 PM

WHY does it seem like on this live you have people that feel like they are the "Co-Host" of the show? I was molested, the 1st time I was 3 yrs old. It was a cple of times after that. I'm in my 40's. Somebody else chose to put it out, which put me in the position to have to speak. I understand why later on in life why I do the things I did & do now. The difference is I forgave those involved yrs ago. No one but God & myself understands why. On the outside looking in, it did look like Whitehead tried to use you as a pawn. I was even looking like "WOW!!"Especially after you talked about him like you did when he got robbed. Even though you chose to put Larry on blast yourself. I PROMISE YOU, Whitehead is walking around thinking he manipulated the situation and succeeded in using someone to bring Larry down.

Jan 18 at 11:14 AM

No shade, Chelsie is cool but the her volume & dramatics is too much!!
The possiblity of of catching ANY thing from a "vessel" God speaks through shouldn't even be used in the same sentence. I do understand they had lives before they found their so-called calling. These "Pastors, Preachers, Bishops" etc that stand up in front their congregations crying, slobbering, rapping or whatever while preaching the word of GAWD. People hanging off their EVERY word & they are out here doing the same thing they preach against. It's very seldom you hear about celibacy while these "Vessels" are dating. One of the MAIN sins in the Bible is fornication. Am I the only one that sees the hypocrisy?
Khloe finding "self-respect", with this new found self-respect, preparing to "leave" Tristian. Not only preparing to leave Tristian, she's getting ready to hit him with child support? Moving on with life with their 2 children? The confidence to say these specific words, phrases, sentences about Khloe Kardashian....?
Khloe getting ready to leave Tristian (is she though?) Preparing to hit Tristian w/child support?
Am I the only one that downloads my music on the SD card?
I know that's right!! Girl caught a flashback w/my oldest bro & Grandmommy, damn ANOTHER ONE, w/my oldest bro & My mom. I'm 45 & STILL have a healthy fear of the 3 main women in my life 💯
I like him. He tickles me, he's soft spoken & seems shy. And continuously keeps that belly hangin out. He's probably a terror, but until proven otherwise, he seems like a pretty cool dude.