jossie smith

This was a good fun interview, he has a fun entertaining personality. 😄

I enjoyed it.

Nov 29 at 08:03 PM

I can't pull it up

Tashak, you handled her so beautifully and I really appreciate you for that. Her story is so compelling and overwhelming. Please continue to encourage her. I'm sending prayers to her and you. Blessed

Commented on No Live Tonight

Sep 25 at 09:24 PM

What is going on?


You held your own with the wino , lol I like that plus you are my homegirl . Job well done. Tasha see you soon. You were missed

tasha your skin is beautiful  what do you use


Apr 24 at 12:41 AM

i can not get the new app or channel, im totally lost


sorry about the grammar but my keys are freezing and the wine is kicking in.  to finish my comment, Sabrina is embrassed behind what happened to her , how it happened and why it happened, she was the bully and the older woman in the situation, now you have to explain  to your family and friends you chasing and fighting a 23yr about a man and your life is ruined, i believe to get her dignity back she plays the victim and tells a half truth.      

love yall now i have to sleep.

I just watched the interview and i agree the whole situation is a mess, but some of the comments I'v read, i as a wino have to beg to disagree.  Savannah was in her early twenties, a single mother, who invested years with this man, even before he was released from prison.  As a young woman most of us have had some sucker relationships, dont get me wrong it didnt warrant throwing acid in her face, it could have been a knife or a gun in use, the outcome would have still had a major effect on many lives.  Anton , manipulated that situation  Savannh and Sabrina are both victims, Sabrina is using it to elevate herself as a victim

, while Savannah apperars to be seeking some kind of redemption  because she still has to deal with what she did and why? a man {anton}.

Its hard for the so called so  good girl to carry that burden, especially with all she has los

Im just saying, men have playing women against each other since forever.  I truly support both of them.  Young and dumb, old and foolish.
