
Feb 13 at 08:34 AM

So the goal of this group is to start a new world for US...but you left your family behind to do this. ????

Feb 13 at 08:07 AM

Hi five!!!!
Boom!!! My main thought- why is he speaking out. Yeah something happened....thatswjy I wat h I'm tryna see the reason of it all....if it never come out then this is just some scorned lovers and he need to get his business off social media....Facts!
Whew!!! Ok sis, now that's some Xtra info we needed to hear. I'm with you it was a relationship but what king? How did start? And why is he hmmmm. You shed some light on this girlfriend thank you!!!
Shiiiiidd! Sis u betta than me- my resume says CHEF not nanny. Pay for a nanny since you ballin' o yeah you not!!! That's that crap ppl do trying to use ppl. Hate that. Great interview Chelsea...