Asialyiah jimenez

It’s not a scam something wrong with your phone unless you coming on here to spread lies update your phone

Replied on Quick review

Apr 19 at 05:03 PM

No thank you for acknowledging my comment I lost my dad a year ago it’s been hard but you really kept every tear from dropping just by enjoying your humor đŸ·đŸ’– so again thank you 😊
Okay so you fuck on married men too oh okay lol talkin like this I would’ve fuqked all you hoes up fym she shouldn’t have remorse? Ay her issues with her sister don’t mean she deserves to get cheated on and played with and it don’t mean she isn’t deserving of a apology if you feel like that I think her getting the abortions and having that miscarriages was for the best poor child would’ve been a pond in a nasty game with two trifflinq adults and imma pray to nigguh don’t do you like that cause ain’t nobody man safe from these side hoes shit you prolly are a side hoe the way your condoning this shit
You condoning this hoe Fukinq somebody husband YOU WAS THE WIFE THIS GIRL IS A HOME WRECKER unless you defending tocha MY BAD but she knew who man that was she’s wrong and ain’t no way around it she’s a dirtybird and the worst thing u can do is get pregnant with somebody else man
She’s dirty I really dislike her cause that caught my attention too she’s like fk him but she’s gonna protect the other people who’s selling children I’m glad karma ain’t let her keep naaan baby cause she prolly would’ve sold it too
This dirty dog head bitch can’t even apologize for sleeping with this woman husband LIKE BITCH DID YOU YO BOBBLE HEAD ASS ASK TOCHA WAS HER MARRIAGE WITH ROCKY OVER like she let that nigga lie to her because she ain’t care she knew and ain’t care she’s a nasty person and it’s no sympathy for her ether you a ghetto hoe who wanted that btch husband he was dissing his own wife to you and bully her and dis hoe was eatin that shit up he was tryna make her feel secure in their little situation she ain’t care how he was bashing his wife LET ME SAY THIS them abortions was ment to happen THATS KARMA YO MISCARRIAGE NOT STICKEN IS KARMA her soul so ugly shyt crazy I really dislike this woman she got her karma and rocky gettin his and what ever tocha did to her sister KARMA SPINING THE BLOCK ON ALL THESE UNHOLY ASS PEOPLE smh dis a mess
I agree manipulation or not she knows right from wrong but it’s a reason to the madness it got me thinking rocky know some shyt cause tocha sticking around through all of this I don’t know what woman would
 he has to have bank accounts combined or something that’s forcing her to deal with him just her callin him to confront him with the group she walked off and he got off the phone angry but the energy from tocha is she didn’t want to make him angry and abuse comes in different forms all imma say
Of course tocha foul but also the mother plays a part in that sister shyt imma tell you why I am tamika and my sister is tocha my momma do the same shyt I been in tamika shoes that love of the first born and you coming out looken like your father as the second the vibes of the way parents treat their children and play sibling’s against each other is so common everyone said tocha was nice rocky played a big part and so did her mother seems like their mother made tocha the man of the house when they daddy left them I don’t excuse tocha behaviors she’s definitely a dirty bird but I’m going off of what outsiders even her own sister said and I see where the evil comes from it’s that momma and that husband to me it seem like tocha always had more put on her back than anyone in that group I ain’t even know she was the lead singer I figure they was all equal I’m 25 and my sister 32 my parents are born in the 70’s so I’m just seeing what caused all the problems that made the group break up I don’t even think tocha really has a personality or a mind of her own and I think her mother taught her to obey her husband cause she’s on his side too and that tells me he helping the momma out it’s no way she attacked her own child over some nigguh and I never heard anything bad that tocha did everything had rocky hand in it “going off interviews and the show”

What pisses me the fuk off is why why 
 WHY do y’all sleep with this woman’s husband than the nerve to say “tocha’s a good person ,she’s nice , good wife “ blah blah blah as y’all continue to fuk ha husband and tell her business is mind blowen 😭🙃 tocha need to hire me to smack these broads cause this shyt is wild  these mistresses is so shadey they mad that man is her husband but what they failed to realize is as gullible as she is she ain’t coming up off that nigguh until something bigger and better get her attention so y’all ho’s gone have to just sit and wait and play the back đŸ˜‚đŸ€­ #rockyisNOTtheCATCH

Lashon Bundy y’all knew he was cheating for the mother to serve her she’s dirty that was her plan and watch him be nothing but another ain’t shyt black man with multiple baby mommas instead Yall encourage him to save and fight for his marriage he was playing a dirty game of manipulation, while y’all gathered up the divorce papers for him yeah y’all no better than her

Mother and her brotherÂ