Jealxis Storm

She ran thru all that damn money and now want somebody to cry for her. I won’t. She needs to get a gun and carry it around and use it if necessary. Because it’s one thing for her to be hungry and homeless. But them kids don’t need to suffer because you can’t handle money right. She was making thousands a month being a chef. And had nothing saved up?? See what I mean. Y’all pray for more money but need to pray for learning how to manage your money. Because it don’t matter if you make $100 a month of $10000 a month. If by the 30th you have not a damn dime! You need to manage your shit better

Did he say that he wanted to take a bath with her? Like I’m genuinely confused cause I thought he said “there will be no bath time with my daughter because that’s weird”

The lady “more media hits” that’s she said is a tranny. She’s not, she’s a real woman and she has about 3 kids. So this her first fucking lie so far. I do believe kevin is a sick bastard tho


Blacks ain’t the problem wench, it’s people who don’t care about they job. Any race can be lazy bastard when it comes to work

Tasha jasmine and chelsie need to get they shit together, we paying for this exclusive ass wine and they don’t even have the receipts ready and shit. And by the time they do it be done got deleted smh.

Commented on Mo showing tf out!!

May 21 at 09:29 PM

She looks good
