Theresa Michael

No Houston!!! Tasha we were ready. I'm disappointed.

This was the best interview! I have always liked Hazel E. Now I feel like I understand her a lot more. This interview was a whole vibe.


Team Tasha K🍷🍷🍷 and Bondy Blue💙💙💙⚜️.

Bondy Blue 💙💙💙💙. ⚜️

Nov 07 at 06:03 PM


WHAT? ( in my lil jon voice) why would she target Sandra of all people. I wonder if Madonna has her child too. PCP is a hell of a drug. She can quit when she wants to. She don't do drugs .....drugs do her.


If the instructions said to heat it in the microwave and they knew the product was never intended to heat in the microwave. Knowing the health risk ........Any attorneys out there....IJS🤣🤣🤣
