
It's definitely easy to understand Spice. Erica is a fool, she got the same black man. 🤷🏾‍♀️

it is okay for people to be single and date multiple people. Or be a polygamist. I don't believe in it for me.

I don't think it's discrimination as it pertains to airline aisles but i do think it's irresponsible for America to keep allowing certain foods to be produced, not providing healthier meals for kids in school lunch, expensive groceries etc. Since the 70s or 80s Americans have doubled in size but nothing has changed. They should provide more comfortable travel accommodations if they aren't fixing the obesity, food deserts, accessibility issues.

I've learned to listen to my intuition, be observant and stop giving men the blue print of what I want. I'm now able to thank someone for their time and walk away. God will have to sit my one in my lap for me to believe it. I'm focusing on my career, health and happiness. Return to sender any man with ill intent. These men can be terrorists. I wished women knew it was ok to leave.

Jun 09 at 07:29 PM


Nah those niggas were pedophiles. Stop calling girls fast.

Tyrese wife is a fool and that's what he gets.