
Love you Tasha but this guy’s talking in circles…..he’s talking but not really saying anything. He just keeps repeating himself. Plus it sounds like they are all in the same boat…..scamming. ALLEGEDLY!


I’ve been in shock with celebrities and YT bloggers all week and now this piping hot tea? I’m just shocked. And now when I look at Jada….she’s like a whole dude….who knew?!?!?!??

Oh shit it’s going down.  I’m in this motherfucker🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷💯💯💯💯💯💯

This was a good interview.  It helped me really understand this young lady.  No judgement, no shade..this young lady been through it but I applaud her candidness and openness.  I really enjoyed this interview.  Give us more Tasha!  


Oct 27 at 11:14 PM

Tasha this was by far one of your best shows!  When I saw the Morgan&Morgan advertisement……I was thoroughly impressed.  You are the GOAT!! 


Bye, adios, arrivederci, au revoir, PEACE ✌️


Sep 26 at 03:13 AM

Sending love and prayers.  Don’t fret Tasha you gonna be alright.  You have come this far by faith. Before you know it your enemies will be your foot stool.  You are going to elevate from this even higher than you thought possible.  You may not see it now, but we do.  That’s why we’re still here.  We ain’t going nowhere.  I’m glad ur taking some mental health days to recharge.  This is going to pass and be yesterday’s news.  You are going to be bigger than ur haters.  We got you Tasha.  🙌🏾


All chef needed was an attorney from the start…..she moved wrong.  You can’t trust people with a product destined to make millions.  She should take the “L” and move on.  Learn from this mistake.  However, she needs to get a job to take care of those kids. Â