
Lmaooo u aubrey


Hey Bondy Boo


Hereā€™s just my opinion on something you could introduce to us that would be better than wine. Is the new tea Since you always have people calling to talk about celebrity gossip during Happy hour why donā€™t you have a segment on wine Is the new tea where the wine knows can call in with their opinions kinda like how TMZ does it because a lot of us have some great commentary as well myself especially I think that would make people more excited about the tea so they could have their comentary and plus itā€™s like the winos Can do your dirty work because they canā€™t sue us for our opinions. They wonā€™t get nothing but my EBT card. šŸ˜­ Just set the rules that we are not allowed to curse and put a bully clause in the beginning as well just to cover your butt can get real to the point šŸ¤£


Drake like that post and that was because itā€™s a publicity stunt to gain back him a little bit of street cred lol Rick Ross does not even sound serious and if he was, I doubt heā€™d be dry snitching in a video about it


Bondy whats your contact infoā€¦ i need to ask you something personalā€¦ can i email you?


May 01 at 07:48 PM

Tahsa this is hilarious šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

May 01 at 07:47 PM

Lmfaoooo ā€œwell where is itā€ yo im screaming


That would not be yojr loved ine your talking to smh how can we say we believe in God and then say that we believe humans can make jt possible to talk tk someone who is suppose to be dead? Smh these people are creating clones of ur decesed loved ones and having the. Influence ur descions because u know love and trust them ur thinking its golden words whole time its some damn data base built and prograed by strangers.

Sometimes humans can be so smart they are dumb. Why would u want to have someone influence ur ideas who cant see the future or even experience the pressence? I say all the time the teachings of the old times dont even apply now because parents back then had nk idea an amazon would exsist, an uber, a social media platform etc. so they would tell us ā€œdont do that thats a dumb idea inly for h to see that they were actually wrong. I wish i could elaborate on what i mean specifically. But if we let the past thought lrocesses influence the future we wojld be assed out. Its so unfajr how someone elses theroy and how conviced they are to themselves can influence all of humanity. This is a MAD SCIENTIST we are looking at. Just because someone talks nice and respectful dosent mean what they are saying is morally ok.

Clarence Freeman no lol let me help u Clarence ā€¦ you were exceptionally cleared for the same reason charlamange is still on radio even tjo he did infact rape that girl the difference between u and him is he actually admited to it but still hes cleared because THE MOTHER OF HIS VICITM DID NOT PRODUCE HER TO TESIRIFY SO CHARGES WERE DROPPED. THATS is the same prevention in your caseā€¦ because you did say that the mother didnt produce the kids because she was afraid of what brandon would say. Clarence if you are innocent dont say anything else for the same reason lawyers advise clients not to testify on their own behalfā€¦ because people are looking for a hole in your story and when u start talkin about herpes and exeptionally cleared and people are finding inconcistancies it will make you seem like your lying entirely. Whybis there a gap on ur document but not on the one thats says u were SEEN for hepes not that someone SAID u had jt like u claimedā€¦ u seeā€¦