
Bryant, AR, United States

She seems very sweet... she just seem a little younger in the mind in a young mature way. I thigh she was in her early 20's...

And NOT just because she's gorgeous, but she seem so green.

It can be an excuse. Some people just need a reason to be angry, upset, or evil.


That is correct, Tasha.. get stuck on assistance, if you do not have a plan


Tasha, please stop lying to this girl.. that is situational. Going to a tax professional does not equal getting more.. my sister is one and we go to one ever year...

They do my taxes, I go back and check..... AND IT'S THE SAME...

And you encouraging her to do something illegally with her benefits. You can't tell her, with a household of six, that she's not using all of it. Your two to four people household does not compare, especially with inflation.



Nah baby... it's not embarrassing on your behalf baby.. it's not you everyone is baffled by..

What she is explaining, is developmental delays, primarily and solely due to her environment.

Bur shield, I still like dolls! It was your comfort and you were able to reenact your traumas or act out how you envision your life should be


Prior to my husband and I... I had FIVE children, all under the age of 12, my youngest was barely a year when my now husband made it official (known him since I was 12). My daughter was conceived when I was 15 and had her when I was 16.

2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011 passed away, and 2013 my children birth years. I was born in 1986... do the math on how young I was with five.

I got on government assistance, went back to school, graduated college, made it official with my best friend, removed assistance, married my best friend, and had more children.

There are choices baby girl and away to change your situation. I didn't not have help or support until my husband. My last year of school was so easy after him and I because I NEVER had such support from him and his mom, rest her soul.

But she did what she needed or wanted to do, for her. I just pay her children forgive her, if they choose to, especially the older two. I had rich about leaving my children to make a better life for us, but I could be without them. My heart, Jesus my heart would not let me. Thank God he didn't.

So ANYONE with a type of posture, frame, or whatnot is a dick sucker??? Come on now! What's wrong with the kids now days???
