Katrina Craig

Clarksville, TN, United States

Jan 02 at 07:08 PM

I’m done with these interviews. 😝


Dec 27 at 07:40 PM


I’m asking the same question. I thought we had to wait so long because the interview was with his lawyers….

Dec 27 at 07:39 PM

Sending good vibes. The world is better with you in it. 🦄


He tried to stop the interview. His lawyers already reviewed it. That’s what TK said before she went to Africa.

As a PR professional, I can see this is probably her first interview. If you never been interviewed by someone with international reach, extend some grace. She’s nervous and hasn’t been coached. We are used to seeing people with media training that’s why she seems all over the place.

She said someone else was in charge of his house schedule. She handled his business schedule. His home life overflowed into his business life.

Journalistic integrity is paramount. It’s wild her team didn’t know the man was released (public record) or that he died! TK is too big for this type of oversight. Her camp need operate like CNN newsroom or she’s going end up back in court.
