Andrea Gravette

Raleigh, NC, United States

ig ; theywantme2rise - here for Tasha k and the great energy she brings to my life . here to uplift others that are suicidal and survivors.


Jan 20 at 01:05 AM

They talking about this episode everywhere, look at that smile 😊 Tasha K


Jan 19 at 11:02 PM

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OMG !! Miss Tasha K I’m soooo happy to see that you were able to get Joce to understand where you were coming from and having her back with the whole Cashy beating on her situation. I am absolutely LOVING you on LOVE AND WAR ! I can’t wait to see you in more productions πŸ™ŒπŸΎ you work superbly in the middle of all of that NowThatsTv chaos πŸ˜‚ you were literally made for this miss Tasha . #winoForLife 🍷 #LoveAndWar #TashaKHost πŸ“Ί ❀️ πŸ₯Š


Jan 04 at 07:28 AM

Also rich rising 🌞 miss Tasha you’re up early πŸ‘‹πŸΎ


Jan 04 at 07:26 AM

Your editing team is the absolute best πŸ˜‚ πŸ™ŒπŸΎ the way you came up off Shek for the wino was so cute πŸ₯° 🍷

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Jan 03 at 03:17 PM

I am cracking the fuxk up at this picture she slumped as hell miss Tasha πŸ˜‚

hell nah miss Tasha this man is sassssssy as fuckΒ πŸ˜‚


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Nov 10 at 06:17 AM

Angelique Chappelle you do know Kamala isn't black either right ? Soooo ... I hope you have that same smoke for her cause she for sure not supporting shit over here in the black communities either mama


Nov 10 at 06:14 AM miss Tasha K did you see this about NBA youngboy ? I wonder if you can bring him in to talk about his addiction . This broke my fkn heart, hearing him say he knows he doesn't have long to go. All them chains around his neck but something in his life clearly has him in a chokehold. True definition that money can not buy you happiness. I hope some body helps him to get help, where TF his mama at ? His baby mamas ? Do they not want him to stay alive ? I'm pissed and I don't even listen to his music , it's just the mommy in me wanting the best for him 😒


I agree but if Definitely wouldn't be an accident sis 😭 πŸ˜‚ Tasha just like that 🍷 πŸ’œ 😭 πŸ˜‚


Miss Tasha K when I see you in Houston hopefully you can get me connected to Kevin to be apart of his documentary.

I'm actually experiencing the parental alienating heavily and it's crazy cause I'm not on drugs none of that , I simply allowed my son to move with my ex husband 2 years ago because my son asked me and I didn't want to be the typical mother that keeps the child away from the other parent despite the obvious red flags of the other parent not wanting to be a parent.

It's legit a major reason I am not me anymore.

This interview helped me to see it's not just mother's with rich ex husbands that can do this , fathers also experience the pain .

It was eye opening . And something I was ashamed to talk to about until literally seeing this documentary.

Ive been feeling a calling to get on social media despite being a true old school hippie at heart . And I think I just figured out my niche. Bringing parents together that are experiencing a major sense of loss and depression and suicidal ideation over our children being kept from us.

It's crazy because I legit still have legal physical custody and everything , and I have my family and friends tell me constantly to just take my son back. But all I can think about is the bigger picture.

Allowing my son to live his life and figure out who his father truly is , on his own .

But at the same time, I'm suffering heavily.

My son's father does not have my son call me at all . He does not have my son answer my text messages . I can't even truly have a successful relationship because I feel like I'm NOT ME , MY SON IS APART OF ME and he's gone . I can't pursue school or even focus on my career because everyday I am literally crying at least once a day over missing my son. My relationship with my family has been spiraling cause I've pulled away from everything and everyone .

Remember when I was homeless winos ? (December 2023 to January 2024). I can legit say it's because I was loosing my motherfuckin mind and was hoping that I would just end up dead if I quit trying . Stop working stop paying bills just stop everything.

But I'm still here . Still standing . Still in pain. But still having hope that my son will reach out to me on his own one day .

Smh . I hope no one ever has to feel this pain.