Wonder Mom

Port Orange, FL, United States

I feel like she either got involved with some wicked people & set somebody up for some drugs or trafficking & a lot of money was involved & they came to collect & they tryed to unalive her 

Where’s part 3 with Leah Tasha ?

Tasha where is part two isn’t it supposed to air today ?

Luv you Tasha I luv the fact that you report both sides & run with the truth . I feel so bad for her father & his family as a mother I hear what he’s saying he stands by all his kids thru thick  & thin but there is no way in hell I will forgive betrayal. as my great gma once told me there will come a time when you will see your child for the person they truly are . Chantel is wicked she’s mentally off she needs help beyond what her dad mom or friends can give her she hates herself & needs to work on herself . Her karma will come ten fold wait until her child grows up only then she will see the error in her ways . 


Chile you could have saved this interview  for you tube boring 😴

Did they threaten to sue you for having him on the show ? Cuz he was suposed come back & fire off if she didn’t sue  

Yesss maammm. Two weeks meet me outside or don’t come outside again 😂😂😂😂