Yami Diego

Sarah Silver none of us are perfect; not even the ones who are born into ā€œperfect familiesā€, In other words we all have disfunction in our families; some have more than others, but no matter what the circumstances are, we can all choose to change our family pathology or situation we are born into. We donā€™t have to keep perpetuating the disfunction and thatā€™s what this father was trying to do. And believe me his efforts will not go without him seeing the fruits of his labor; for The Lord sees it. The healing has just started. Youā€™ve done good Mr. Freeman take heart and donā€™t let the nay sayers bring you down. Thatā€™s what the devil does when heā€™s defeated. Iā€™m praying for you.


Bothā€¦. Mental illness tends to cause people to be manipulative because theyā€™re seldom taken seriously so they result up manipulation to get you to accept and hear them.

Lol I didnā€™t catch that part; didnā€™t hear when she mentioned the word lascivious gotta watch it again to hear the context of how the word was being used.

In the Bible the KJV itā€™s referring to lasciviousness to lewdness which can be about a persons degraded indecent behavior or just being unclean or low down dirty. Thatā€™s interesting if the report used that word. Whoa šŸ˜³


The father needs to acknowledge his sins also of sexual immorality, adultery, and lack of self control. This family needs to begin to heal and that will not happen until the adults in this family start by acknowledging their actions. So I pray that with all of this coming out to the public, and they being exposed that they no longer live in denial and in secrecy. Put the devil to shame and openly acknowledge your ways and make an intentional decision to change. Do it for your children and childrenā€™s children.


So trueā€¦. Bottom line this whole dilemma stems from the mother pimping her daughter out from 4 years old to get money for drugs. She should of been put in jail for that. The fact that she wasnā€™t she needs to be thankful and repent of her sins and wicked ways. She needs to ask Chantel for forgiveness for all her devious actions. Then and only then will Chantel start to heal.


lol I did too. Tasha asks the questions we be thinking. Lol šŸ¤£
