Yami Diego

Same here

 so sad these celebrities are hijacked for their gift which is a God given gift. The devil is a thief and always has been. But I believe this is the year where he and all his minions will be exposed!


Yes and you see
 she (Liz) has belief in The Lord Yashua Yahwe. First thing I noticed was the cross necklace. She knows that’s the only one, that can protect her against these wicked people in high places. The warfare is real she has to connect herself spiritually to The Lord. For He alone can fight the spiritual realm.


Oh! My Goodness Tasha
. I’m speechless but I gotta say this. Whatever is done in the dark will come out in the light. For nothing is hidden under the sun. Tasha K, I knew when I started watching you I think it was 2015 or 2016 when you were doing the story on Wendy Williams husband having a mistress and when it all came out that it was true. Girl I’ve been here ever since. My dear I just want to tell you that what you were created for was for the exact time and place we are in. These diabolical people out here especially in the music industry need to be exposed. God’s got you covered; for their time of judgment has come! They’re all going to pay for the evil they’ve done to God’s gift to the world
.. Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney, Britney Spears and others. I pray BeyoncĂ© goes back to her roots in believing in God and The Lord and savior Yashua. It will be her only defense. And I pray no harm comes to her.

Tasha K, great work. I praise The Lord for you. Thank you. Love you đŸ«¶đŸŸ

Yes it is. And this interview confirmed the suspicions I always had about Michael, Prince, and Whitney. Crazy

You know?!?! I was just thinking to myself the other day
.. how is it that she (BeyoncĂ©) just finished a tour and the film about the tour and now she has this new album? I was saying to myself
.. SHE DOESN’T SLEEP. Poor Bey. Gotta put her in prayer too.


Sarah Silver none of us are perfect; not even the ones who are born into “perfect families”, In other words we all have disfunction in our families; some have more than others, but no matter what the circumstances are, we can all choose to change our family pathology or situation we are born into. We don’t have to keep perpetuating the disfunction and that’s what this father was trying to do. And believe me his efforts will not go without him seeing the fruits of his labor; for The Lord sees it. The healing has just started. You’ve done good Mr. Freeman take heart and don’t let the nay sayers bring you down. That’s what the devil does when he’s defeated. I’m praying for you.
