Yami Diego

I wasn’t even going to comment on this show, but that columbus short segment is making me do it. As an Afro Latina woman myself I know the fact that most black woman have taken on a lot and do a lot to support black men; whether he’s American black, Afro Latino, West Indian black, or African. And this is the real problem, because white woman ain’t taking no man ( black or white and build him up). So his account in generalizing that black woman don’t cook, don’t know how to cook, or don’t have a sense of home economic, culture, and organization is not true. He’s proven it by the fact that you( columbus) have said that your ex and mother of your child, picked you up dusted you off, and build you up, so you can be somebody today. She basically mothered you, which herein lies the problem. Black woman have supported you, build you up, and given you life basically, and you resent them for that. I bet you didn’t have a father growing up, and you probably hate your mother for staying and picking up the responsibility of raising you because your father didn’t.

I believe that men who speak and view black women this way really just hate their mothers, along with having issues of internalized hate within themselves. If truth were told you know the reason why you are with a white or white adjacent woman is because you have internalized hate. Truth is, white woman don’t take no man without money, or who can’t support them. They don’t do no cooking, no cleaning, and barely raise their own kids. I just want black men like this, to stop blaming black woman and just say they hate who they are and wish they were anything other than a black man and that they even hate the woman who created him. To thy own self be true bro…. Say you want to marry other races other than black because you’re following the standards of sex and beauty instilled in you through tv programming, movies, and pornographic films. Speak the truth and put the devil to shame as they say.


Jul 04 at 09:15 AM

Happy Birthday!! Yep ya’ll look alike a lot. Blessings and many more healthy and happy ones. 🎂

But why are her hands darker than the rest of her body, or was it the lighting.

I remember when she was saying she was 34 on love and hip hop. Nah she about 40-42.

Exactly! How you were sex trafficked and still be a virgin. These girls be real twisted. Maybe she means she’s never consented? Therefore she’s virgin? I literally can’t.


Lololol that’s hilarious 🤣😂🤣

Joseline internalized her trauma and now is the one traumatizing others. Crazy. Feel sorry for the Puerto Rican Princess. And yes she is Afro Latina I don’t believe Yummy P on that part saying that J isn’t Latina. But I wish her all the best in her endeavor she seems like a sweet genuine girl.




Jul 02 at 02:20 PM

I agree with everybody…. I love Mary J and she definitely has had a lot of experiences she can talk about that we can learn from. But I don’t like the name similarity of her show to Tasha’s brand. It’s giving a plot to do a hostile take over. Which will never happen. God don’t like ugly.