
Make sure you all follow her on Instagram and lets run her page up


Even when she had time to speak, she never really told her story. She needs to do a losing season of her own if she needs clout, recognition, or money that bad she could just go on TikTok and tell her I want story in a series with 50 parts, and get millions of views as well

Mama full of wine


Mama high as shit


Look at have a daughter is looking at the mother!!! Like she is full of it!!!!!


It sounds like they are mad that they did not come out with the story first, I didn’t think of it


I think that is weird that they are judging Risa for doing the same thing that their mother deer down the deep sea is that one I did not have any children. Their mother chose that man over them.!!!!!!


Moms is on the spectrum…


She doesn’t seem so private too me…


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