
Kyaja Bell See below 

Fredricka Spencer Who cares, Marlene let him lie on their mother saying she pimped her daughter out. You feel bad for Marlene- she's giving paid to act.


Tracey Lynch Facts don't lie, abusers do. Chantel is not lying.  She remembers who raped and molested her.  Quit denying her claims that she proved and what she reported as a child.    Clarence also gave her herpes, it’s documented they both have it.    Think about it, he said he was with 1000s of women each year, he has 18 kids which means he raw dogs em which equates to a higher probability of STDs. 


Clarence all your neighbors didn't die.

Clarence went to prison for beating the shit out of his beautiful ex-wife, Teriza Rivera let me explain how the brother came in the picture.

CIarence shot a gun in the air outside, he dragged Teriza Rivera his ex wife from outside to the front door and by the time she hit the front door, she was completely naked. He ripped all her clothes off and he beat the shit out of her. The only reason her brother came over and I mean THE ONLY reason was to protect his sister and its normal for a brother to do that. Clarence was the one with the knives. Chantel saw and reported it and he got convicted, sentenced to prison for 3 years, THREE YEARS the record is not expunged let me know if you want me to post his mugshot & case number. Y'all need to use your thinking caps who goes to jail for 3 years for self defense, He beat his ex wife. Just because you don't see them coming out publicly doesn't mean they aren’t privately.  Subpoena time. 

Tasha set Chantel up and spun the narrative so y'all would believe her dad that molested her. Chantel would have been a fool to take a lie detector test orchestrated by Tasha. The test she took is real. The question is why hasn't Clarence submitted any facts? Clarence was locked up for 3 years on a DV charge and at the rate he's going this case will be taken off the shelf and he'll be back in prison for life. He is still abusing his child by gaslighting and lying on her. You don't care about her receipts so we are done. How much is be paying you, you can't be this dumb.


Apr 18 at 04:40 PM

Thank you

2. Question for all

Clarence told Tasha he had 16 children (his first lie it came out that it's really 18) then he said out of his own mouth he's slept with 1000's of women. Birthing 18 kids equates to raw dogging combine that with 1000s of women you get what???? DISEASES

His medical records on 11/25/2003 said he had it. Chantel's said 11/3/2003. My question is: Why do you believe her mother prostituted her? Why do you believe the step mother framed him? Marlene should be ashamed of herself letting this man lie on her mother like that. It's one thing to say her mom has a mental problem but, to allow him to blame her. It's giving - Marlene needed money and he paid her off.

I been quiet cause waiting for his receipts but, its bothering me how he's attacking KB, Kimmie's World and whomever else.


Tracey Lynch Facts don't lie abusers do. Chantel produced receipts, evidence-facts that reveals who Clarence is. He is lying. The reason others aren't coming forward is because it's re-traumatizing, he's threatening, it also can affect their employment and family's opinion. Brandon is trying to protect his image, his job and how his in laws view him. Clarence is all up in these comments with no black and white receipts. Ask him if he has family members that have worked in law enforcement over 20 years.


Apr 17 at 02:47 PM

I'm late, what is SIL?

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