
Tiapov ok bitch and I think pigs can fly now im Trina cuz I said something about armonia please 🙏🏾 u hoes need Jesus

There is no such thing as the lgbtq community Donald Trump has stated in the United States for only recognized two genders and so there's only Straight,Lesbian, Gay Or bisexual there's no such thing as a transgender in the United States you're somebody that has problems I'm sorry guys maybe in four years you can come back and say I exist again but right now you're just a man with problems


Tasha what's going on with you and Bondy Blue why the f*** are we donating thousands of dollars to Wendy' as if we're a community that gives a fuck about her but in the same breath we're calling her a bad mom telling her how much of a drunk she is like what the fuck are u going through gurl the next time shaq doesn't respond cut to commercial pause alive you can do any of those things do not go back and forth like hello are you listening my winos are waiting girl I'll roll my eyes and said fuck you in them winos

Lola broke bitch imagine saying something to me about a video u can't even watch

Listen I made a comment about A week ago I think half of you fan base went into labor immediately

😱 being so pussy hurt from what I said u hoes can't get it out ur head no lie anymore engagement and you hoes gone make me go viral

Lola I have littirly accumulated 2 checks since then Tasha k has made 5 different live videos and way more money since then why are u hoes still stuck in last week bitch go touch grass and breathe

Lola imagine being so emotional at ur age that I can't take criticism wow 🤯 u hoe need dick or Jesus I posted this shit a fuckin week ago u over emotional hoes won't let it go

TC u stupid incompetent hoe this is one fuckin video and one fuckin comment how was that wasting money

Thee Elect Lady Tae Show exactly I had pay to be here the fact that you guys are having premature babies because of my comment is not my problem I made a comment almost a week ago and you hoes are literally crying 😂 get over it she mentioned something that was not a trending topic she went above and beyond to pull somebody else down it wasn't needed and I made a simple comment if you have a problem go commit suicide I could care less I'm still going to subscribe and I'm still going to say my opinion