Jocefin Lansana

Tanae Thomas none taken whatsoever, my statement is an expression of feeling of what I felt during his story telling, key words being "expression of feelings" my experience something me, myself and I will only understand. Hence why your analysis of my statement would mean nothing to me only you as those are your feelings abd thoughts not mine, no offense but do you get it now?


I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's exactly how I felt in and out of a mythical, galaxy, lord of the rings, Harry Potter , game of thrones, twilight zone movie all over the universe lol 😆 


He didn't really say much about his mom, definitely not anything that's hot tea, derailed off into his own world and stayed there


I hope he doesn't sit long periods of time playing chess on his own trying to figure out people moves or something

He seems like he is incorporating different experiences and events of others also into his own life and portraying differential characters, I'm not a health professional but something doesn't seem right


That's what I'm starting to believe the more I listen, and the more I listen everything he is saying we already know and have experienced it and learnt but we dont always reflect or put it into practice in our daily lives. So we remember and don't fall into traps again. 


Is tasha taking the piss she knows she wants to lol talking about this is biblical he went of track into his own world for a bit nothing wrong with it but we talking about specifically his mom, this tends to happen to most people they derail to extended parts of the story jumping steps then your having a different conversation 


His probably writing his own book! The words used to describe people and events are metaphorically explained you would believe his crazy or telling stories. He emphasise a lot with dramatic words to capture listeners, I'm just hoping g he is 1 person and doesn't separate himself into the Artist and somebody else! 
