Nikki B

Look at Jes facial expressions. Bitch you know EXACTLY what she’s talking about please

At first glance my spirit said she’s into witchcraft. I say that to say this! She need to reach out to the people that can assist her but there are inconsistencies in her story. Let me say this, people do process trauma differently! I’ve experienced so much trauma much of it I do not remember. There’s no doubt about it; the sister need help. However, when you’re truly TIRED and you’re crying out for help YOU’RE VULNERABLE AND SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! She’s not being completely honest.

Why would she be afraid to do a rape kit? That’s ludicrous. What was the point of going to the hospital

Tasha got that nigga in the phone 🤣IMMEDIATELY!

At first glance my intuition said SHE’S LYING. The girl is smiling throughout the interview. Someone prepped her listen to the words HE’S 200 lbs I’m 100 something lbs. I heard her say she didn’t know about the warrant for six months. Then it got switched to her life changed for 6 months due to the warrant. The girl is smiling throughout the interview. Now, where there’s smoke it’s fire. Something happened but this girl is all over the place and LYING

Feb 11 at 02:03 AM

Don’t GIVE UP AND DON’T GIVE IN! Stay away from your family ALL OF THEM


I vividly remember when you had Armon on your show to help him bring his channel back up. We all went to subscribe to his page!
