
For all you old bitches out here. Remember she is young and has not had any real guidance in life. You are literally judging a child who didn't have it ever in life. You were once young in lost in the world. As a mom of 4 I remember when it was 3 and I struggled even working at the Post Office, family was no help or would avoid calls and door knocks left unanswered when it was time for them to be dropped off. Many people will say they'll be there if you need them but hoping you never do.


It's the beat the forest ass πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Super NauseaπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Parkinson's affecting the legs? I see why he gotta get country girls any money is good money for them. Tone of her voice urking then "uhmmmm" I can't believe I watched this πŸ₯΄



Nobody is deflecting the point Chantel was touched. They are defending themselves on what she accused of them. Bringing forth the gaps in between Chantel's fabricated tale and parts of her life she chose to leave out. I understand the dysfunction,chaos, and lies, I've seen it in my own family and been through mess like this.

Apr 17 at 05:38 AM


Tasha explained that already πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ apparently you're new. Go look for it.


Commented on Coming Soon!

Apr 11 at 04:17 PM

Ohhh I'm ready for it 🍷🍷
