
Dallas, TX, United States

I’ve heard Brandi story on Queenpins, it was refreshing to hear Brandi speak about her son, family, goals, and more.
It’s so sad. My daughter is now 33, she went to highschool with a young lady who had a child and now has two or more by R Kelly. We lived 10 minutes away from his Olympia Fields home. There were young girls that went to his studio, signed NDAs, and relinquished their phones at the door. I asked what happened, nothing happened and he did not pick the girls, the girls and young ladies went to him and the parents knew.
People that sells their children for fame, money, or both it is a special place in hell for them.
Tasha, I love the sound advice that you give to your guest and on your platform. She needed every piece of advice that you gave, she is in defense mode, she made excuses for everything re: intentionally getting pregnant, a father per child, feeling awakened living in a shelter, dating living in a shelter, sleeping in one room w/private bath, not using LLC due to relocation….I mean the excuses for all of that and more, it equals She is Not a good decision maker and lack common sense as well as intelligence. No one should make their children suffer mentally, emotionally, & financially, I wouldn’t enable my own children by doing things A$$ backwards. Tasha I applaud you for your attempts to offer sound advice.