
Dallas, TX, United States

She has been through so much. It’s good to know she stands on her faith to give her strength. As a mother, she did all that she could being so young and toxic relationship and marriages, her children witnessed her trauma and fed off of the chaos. She did the best and I commend her for fighting to give them better lives and excelling to provide. She was a young child being a mother and wife.
My youngest brother who is no w out of the four of us was the sweetest boy, but would have knots on his head from climbing / scaling the building, climbing in the house, and jumping from the bunk beds staring at 3 years old. My parents would threaten him, spank him after pleading with him to stop. As he got older up to 9 wouldn’t stop being a dare devil and was so hard headed, my uncles would say that he was going to be in jail when he grows up, because he feared no one and nothing, he was sweet boy in school and a brother but did what he wanted. My mother would tell her brothers, don’t speak negativity on him. My brother ended up doing things to land him in jail and fears no one & nothing. I pray for him consistently.
I’m not judging his mom, my opinion she was with Larry Cult Congregation. I have not been in a cult, I have watched documentaries. She was brainwashed in Larry Reid Cult.

Jan 16 at 11:00 PM

Tasha K, Hassan, and the Kebe Team, I want to fort thank you for keeping me 2 hrs after I should be asleep. I could not stop watching, learning about Hassan’s life, it was intense and interesting. I hope he writes a book, if he hasn’t written one. Great Interview Thank you!
Spirituality is Real.