Kimberly Shamberger

I have watched all five of TashaK’s interviews with the Freeman case. With each one more than once. Here nor there, I am no liar.  Continue to enjoy your day.

KB I did not lie. I was listening to the whole interview.

Good interview but sad, Tasha


He said that she has been in therapy all her life. Child Pertective Services already knew that is how he found out. Remember Chantel’s mother was prosituting her. It is virtually impossible to ascertain the Culprit that gave the baby this disease. Such a tragic story. We must lift this family, especially Chantel in prayer.


Unfortunately Terri it is not unusual for abused and abandoned children to take up for their biological parents and families who put them through such hell. It is a defense and Coping mechanism. Very often these children know a least most of the truth but because they long for their biological they somehow make mother and father out to be a fantasy of high regard. My three Home Treatments daughters came from drug addicted homes and, born with Syphilis and fetal alcohol syndrome but to hear them tell it their parents were the best. The mother didn’t even want to accept their school pictures that offered to share. My girl love my ex husband for all we did for them. However their biological parents always came first until they died of drug addiction. If you look at their social media it is their biological parents they praise. My ex and I are mentioned once and a while and they still call us mommy and daddy as adults. Idk 🤷🏾‍♀️

Apr 16 at 02:47 AM

He is adorable

This was an excellent interview and quite informative. Great job Tasha.


Yes but there are no full proof protections. Tasha’s mother was in the military and there was a period in Tasha’s mother’s life were she was not well. Here is the thing, I would never expect my brother to do anything to hurt my children or anyone else. So would I leave my children with my brother, YES and I have. He has left his children with me. So I do not fault Miss Lennette. The uncle was just vile, cruel and Sadistic!🤷🏾‍♀️
