Clea Latashia McCloud

He has a hard time with eye contact. He is highly intelligent and may have a high I Q. He has misperceptions of autism. There are a lot of autistic people who are teachers , doctors and so on. There are also autistic people with full families. He may not be but he sure does have the characteristic of an autistic person.


I believe her. He got mad because she did not accept that gift, because it came late. I believed he attacked her and this time she got that best of him and sent him to meet his maker. He is a victim of his on demise. That's man sound like he was dog. I know women who had similar situations.

mix marriage was not a sin. Noah married a black woman


She would not look up. I know some folks can be shy, but that is not what I am getting from her.

wait a min, she crying. The mood swing, and she ain't on nothing? Oooo Did yaw see that cow fly over the moon last night? and did yaw know that the dish ran away with the spoon? This chick is high, not saying she is lying or telling the truth, but she is off. The story about her father🤨


She was LIT LIT!!! may not be booga suga but its something.🤨 when Tasha ask she got some act right Real quick! 

 Tasha You are the Goat!!!!!!!!!!!Black Barbra Walters!!! you are Way!!!! bigger than Wendy because you gets to the truth! not rumors!!!!

hurt people hurt people. Do you think people will work with Will knowing how gullible he was coming up in entertainment. He was so easily influenced to par take in homosexual activity. Do you think he will do the same to up and coming actors an actresses? His mental is damaged. Would he try to convince new be to do things beyond their nature to become famous. What type of torch will, Will pass? I would not trust will, judging his pass.Â