Just Clea

Nov 02 at 09:43 PM

Big pimpin!!! Here!!!

Oct 20 at 09:36 PM

I Love this interview thus was magnificent. Angela was a pleasure to listen to. Good job Tashak as usual!! You are phenomenal. You are what we have been needing. I hate it when people compare you to Wendy. You are not gossip! You are real NEWS! WHY? Because there are actual receipts. I agree with Ms. Staton. I raise my sons not the world.

Oct 08 at 11:35 PM

Kids mimic what they see. They don't know themselves as children. Parents are to train their children up the way they should grow. A child do not need that much freedom. I am an old school thinker. And some if this new school shit it out of control. Kids don't know who they are. They flip flop like a motherfucka they join shit and quit shit all in one day. Parents are not only for paying bills and clothing motherfuckas we are responsible for their thinking process their emotions also. Now I agree some Parents are lazy but lot of us are not. You do what I say until you are up out.

Oct 07 at 11:53 PM

This was good enterview I enjoyed listening to him. Good Job Latashia you hit him with the hard questions 👏🏾
This is going to be good