Mz. Klazzic

He tried it 😭😭 hell he messed up himself 💯💯 smell like a hittt or sumin seems different to me! Ijs
Hell I grew up all my life saying I look like Tisha Campbell big face ass! Tboz and other celebrities but bytch please 💯💯 bye next 🍷🍷🍷
Girl just get a look a like job girl 💯 next ! 🍷
Naw those Kardashian girls paid to look like us!! Natural Black women besides the body 💯
Thank you I said Celebritism is Dead 💯 isocial media opened them 💯💯 up and normalized them!
Well Dam I need an Rebranding 💯💯 A rebirth I'm ready to fulfill my destiny! I need a job 💯 reporting from Nashville LMAO ! Our city use to be the family safe zone! Not no more! I'm ready to start blazing some mf's 💯💯
Man caught in this dam rain 💯 watching this Replay 💯💯 y'all in here tripping! 💯

Jan 08 at 03:47 PM

Well that just let you know that you are Qualified 💯💯 in what you do.

Jan 08 at 03:46 PM

Girl that interview 💯 made my pulse push out of my neck!! U know Angelo ain't shyt well as the Savages! 💯