Shae Mitch

He's talking about "support" but there is a difference between support and blindly agreeing with a CHILD to make lifelong bodily changes.

I just laughed so damn hard....Ti-testorone???🫠🥴🤣

Nov 27 at 10:06 PM

A hit dog hollering. In a video, Tasha was talking about Suki and her career and for some odds off the wall reason Hammy got big girl mad and inserted herself into the conversation. Her thing was if Tasha felt that way about Suki and her career, then she must feel the same way about her 🙄 I never understood why she felt that way when Tasha NEVER said anything about Hammy (to my knowledge). From my outside view, Tasha never had a bad thing to say about her.


Nov 24 at 03:34 PM

This is confirmation to move forward with the detox/fast I was planning to do. Thank you for sharing 💛

Nov 22 at 11:20 PM

Cherritta Smith 😳 IKYL


Nov 22 at 06:52 PM

Girl I'm missing a whoooooole lot!!! Was Chelsea the "friend" Tasha was talking about that almost came up missing at the lake???

Commented on Phuckery Friday

Nov 17 at 08:52 PM

Well, it's official...No Phickery Friday y'all. She just made a post on IG

I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Hawthorne used to be one of my favorite shows and Jada and Marc Anthony were an item on the show. On one of the last episodes they, had a sex scene and when I tell you that shit looked real!!!! I knew back then they were fucking in real life because ain't no way they faked that shit.