Dionne Thomas

I was thinking the same thing slick talking mother fucker he talk in circles


I think him thanking her was the straw that broke camels back she like oh hell no keep my name out of your mouth

Nov 28 at 09:38 AM

I can't with Storm

I can't with Jaguar smh

Nov 10 at 07:44 AM

Yo Tasha held it down. We have to hold people accountable Trans Gay Straight and other because you don't get a pass just because you traded your gender. Trans women are great at makeup because that's what makes them look more womanly we are not jealous I'm just amazed about the time spent to look like a woman. They always trying to come for Chet leave that man alone.

GIRL I was like 👀👀👀


Yes she can read very well I was cracking up. Us Jamaicans would say she can trace lol meaning trace her back where she came from with words



I've never heard nothing about Tasha being a hermaphrodite she was just trying to get that topic trending as you see Tasha was unbothered.

On no dam that's weird