
Halloween costume suggestion/ Cardi B…… now I don’t want you to get into a stickier situation but dressing up as cardi B would be EPiC!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oct 20 at 04:26 PM

Missing me some Tasha k…. It’s so weird because I have a life but there little moments we look fwd. to and that wino gang gang!!
I love Nicki but I agree with Tasha. Stop addressing irrelevants. Meditate out the irritation- they are not worth the free publicity.
“Vivica did you just come on your chair”
😂😂😂😂. Put shoes on his knees 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ffs! Does your husband stay laughing cuz you’re FUNNY!
She said Trans women look better 😅
Huh did you say you haven’t decided if you’re going to stay permanently??
Hold up Wiley is in here ?? 🤔 I thought you guys fell out 🙃 I am so confused. Well, cool. It wasn’t that deep or I just misunderstood. Either way always look the commentary. And LOVE TASHAK